Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Los Angeles, GastroBus

Just before Thanksgiving, I was in Palm Springs for a wedding.   On the Sunday before heading back to Chicago on the red-eye, we stopped by Grace's sister, Denise's place in Los Feliz.  We arrived at her apartment around 1pm and I was hungry from the drive.  I had originally planned on hunting down the famed Kogi Taco trucks for lunch (I had signed up for a twitter account just to find them), but thanks to a twitter update I learned the fleet of Kogi trucks were on break until Tuesday.

A bit despondent, we left  Denise's place in search for some food.  As we headed out, we stopped a farmers market set up in the Los Feliz post office parking lot.  And since I can't pass up a farmer's market, we decided to explore a bite. 

As my hunger started to peak, we spotted a bright yellow food truck parked in the back of the market:  Gastrobus.  What a fabulous name!  Beside the truck was a hand written menu, consisting of seasonal item all costing around $4.

The owners of Gastrobus apparently shop at the market and develop a menu around the item they buy at the market.   We ending up trying 3 items.
 The roasted garlic with heirloom tomatoes and toast a nice start. The garlic was sweet with a bite of salt.  The only problem was how the tomatoes were cut mad eating a bit cumbersome.

The beans and yams came fried in a tempura with a sweet soy. The sauce was subtle and very nice and the batter was perfectly light.

Far and away, the best thing we ate was the corn flapjacks.  The flapjacks were bursting with sweet corn and topped with a smooth farmer's cheese. The cheese, which was like a nice ricotta, added a creaminess and a hint of calt to the flapjacks. 

More food trucks please!

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